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Multidisciplinary Site-specific show.

Collective Free't and Cor Euridice

Museum of Climate and Science

Saturday, April 6, 2019 - 7:00 p.m.


Organized by: Escorxador Municipal Theater

La Temporada de Lleida



After ten years of the beginning of the works of the Climate and Science Museum of Lleida, the conditions have been generated so that time will be activated and we can
interact there

Lleida, the world capital of the extreme continental climate. A museum to question the thousand-year history of Catalonia, of a beneficial and Mediterranean climate. Lleida, the city that foggy days has the lowest maximum temperature in the world only surpassed by
Moscow and Chicago. Mercurial climate champions.

50,000 m2. 24 climbing plants (wisteria) in a pergola of 900 m2. An elevated 360º viewpoint on a wall of large stones. A space enclosed with a network to fly drones safely. Dilute the idea of ​​a building-museum how to dilute the idea of ​​a building-score: who structures the museum as the one who structures action music is the passage of time.

Visitors will experience the dissolution of the boundaries between building and public space, between art work and community socialization space. 30 actuators.

A structure of concrete fertilized by pure imagination.

Direction: Arnau Millà
Dramaturgy: Maria Capell
Scenic design: Maria Monseny

Interpretation: Collective Free't and Cor Euridice (direction: Dolors Ricart).

© 2024 by Col·lectiu Free't

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