Actions in the landscape
Participatory project developed jointly with the artist Meritxell Cucurella - Jorba
work in progress

Serve the ancestral and original sound of the earth. Attend the ancestral and original sound of the "Einam" that works on this earth. Listen and feel the movement of the machine, and move mechanically as human beings. Listen and feel the cyclical movement of nature, and move harmonically, despite doubts.
Sew the bodies and the voices and notes the stroke of the gesture made by the smoke of the machine. The scar on the plowed earth. And wait for the fruit.
Establish the syntax of the sounds and movements of the earth, men and machines that work the earth, and establish the syntax of the forms and smells of the fruits that give this earth.
And on this syntax, look for the sketch of a minimum semantics, a quasiparaula, a microgest, a musical opening, of a first-first sense in a unique and unrepeatable act.